

8 October 2010
17:30 Haus Wittgenstein
Parkgasse 18, 1030 Vienna

Circle 00001 (r=5): How does one make a classic?

In October 2010, the “Circles” discussion series organized by IDRV was launched as part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK's “Carte Blanche” format.

Which are the relevant objects representing our heritage of consumer goods?

We try to ask provocative questions, we hope to get explanations by experts: what qualifies an object as a design-classic? How strong is the influence of reissuing producers, museums, critics, collectors or the designers themselves on canonicalization? Who are the protagonists creating cultural identity and which are the processes behind it?

A critic/teacher/author:  Penny Sparke
A collector:  Askan Quittenbaum
A producer: Eleonora Zanotta
An author: Gerda Breuer

Moderated by: Harald Gruendl