13 June 2014
19:00 at 'das weisse haus',
Kriehubergasse 24-26, 4th floor,
1050 Vienna
Designers are, in principle, part of a “courageous” profession: they are constantly searching for alternatives, bringing about new things through their creativity and treading unfamiliar paths. We have long known that the sustainable development of our society is only possible through a course change in our lifestyle habits and designed offerings. Particularly in a discipline such as classic product design, where the customer is the industry, it is difficult even in times of economic difficulty and high competition to transform oneself from a pure service provider into an emancipated, courageous partner to the customer and propose sustainable solutions.
So what does courage mean in the context of Design for Sustainability? What is needed besides courage in order to close the gap between knowledge and action? Courage comes from empowerment, and empowerment comes from knowledge. When we apply the knowledge of the opportunities and possibilities of sustainable design, new contexts and fields of activity emerge. Whoever can show enthusiastically that things can be different can change something.
Daniela Bohlinger, designer, Team BMWi, Munich, University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd
Hans Holzinger, sustainablility researcher, Robert-Jungk-Futures Library, Salzburg
Dr. Ira Mollay, founder, Die Mutmacherei/inspire4change, Vienna
Moderated by Harald Gründl, design theorist and director of the IDRV.