

1 December 2016
19:00 designforum Wien MQ
Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna

What does design for sustainable or intelligent forms of consumption look like?

Circle 00011 (r=4): Design for Future Consumption?

What does design for sustainable or intelligent forms of consumption look like?

Design for the consumption of tomorrow On the one hand, the consumption of fast-moving goods is increasing unabated; on the other hand, the rise of alternative consumer cultures can be observed.

Under the heading of collective consumption (shared economyare proposals for mobility concepts as well as important initiatives for the sharing of goods; the remarkable thing about this movement is its reach and dynamic, which is possible thanks to new media and technologies. Beyond the compulsiveness of linear ideas of progress, new concepts – such as the circular economy – open up possibilities for new forms of consumption. Instead of disposable products, circulatable goods are on the agenda for the future. These developments will lead to a renegotiation of the power relations between companies and consumers. Likewise, the relationship between the designers of products and product service systems, business and consumers, is changing. It is not uncommon for consumers to become co-consumers or co-producers.

What characterizes sustainable forms of consumption?

What would the products that support sustainable or intelligent forms of consumption look like?

How can sustainable consumption be brought from the niches into the mainstream?


Kathrina Dankl, product and service designer, Studio Dankl, Vienna; design theorist, Design School Kolding, Denmark

Renate Hübner, expert on sustainability and consumer research, Department of Organization Development, Group Dynamics and Intervention Research, University of Klagenfurt

Thomas Weber, author, “A Good Day has 100 Points”; publisher, biorama, Vienna

Moderated by Harald Gründl, design theorist; director, IDRV.