
Circular Design Rules

the CDR Tool for Product Design
download available (EN/DE)

(1.13) Circular Design Rules V 1.0

The Circular Design Rules V 1.0 (CDR) consist of a deck of 9 cards that feature a rule that is indispensable in the design of recyclable products. On the backside of each card, concrete steps are described to support the design process of circular products. The scorecard gives an overview of the circularity potential of products on the basis of CDR.

CDR is a research project in the framework of the New European Bauhaus Initiative. The rules have been selected from a comprehensive collection of design patterns, which could effectively introduce a positive system change.

You can download the toolkit here:
Circular Design Rules Version 1.0 Product Design (DE/EN)

For the Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese versions of the tool click here.