
Circular Design Rules

28 September 2021
18:00 (EN) Headquarter

(1.8) Presentation of the CDR V 1.0 at VIENNA DESIGN WEEK '21

Circular design describes an approach to designing products based on the premise that, when one lifecycle ends, another should begin. Hence, circular design has a key role to play as we move towards a circular economy. In order to offer decision makers in the product development process some simple guidelines for the design of recyclable products, the IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna has developed the Circular Design Rules in cooperation with designaustria: Funded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and with the kind support of the Vienna Business Agency, a toolkit with nine rules for circular design and a scorecard was developed.

©VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka, Marie Noistering

The tool provides orientation and indicates progress on the path towards the ultimate objective of closing product cycles. During the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, the Circular Design Rules have been presented for the first time and, in cooperation with the Vienna Business Agency, approaches to the practical implementation of circular design were demonstrated.