
Design Revolution Now!

12 May 2014,
18:30 MAK Design Lab

MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts
Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna

(2.5) IDRV in the MAK DESIGN LAB

The Institute of Design Research Vienna has over the past few months supported the MAK in the development and implementation of the MAK Design Lab. The semi-permanent reinstallation of the former study collection will be opened on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the house.

The task involved curatorial guidance to place the rich holdings of the collections of the MAK into completely new contexts. Real-life topic areas (producing/cooking/eating and drinking/sitting/communicating, etc.) establish the interface between museum research and everyday experience. This dynamic mediation concept was conceived together with the MAK. The central research topics include:

Is design about art?

What will we eat in the future?

What will be tomorrow’s status symbols?

Is local production a viable alternative?

For what will my generation be praised in 100 years?

To complement and contrast the exhibition’s observations from art and design history, the IDRV has developed interventions on the subject of “Positive Change.” By this, we mean the common awakening of a socially and environmentally sustainable society. Topics include: production, gender democracy, nutrition and plant diversity, recycling, climate change impact, globalization, knowledge democratization, lifestyle – areas that are generated from an open design concept and are important not only for designers.