
Regenerative Design

4 November 2024
Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin

(3.4) IMAGINE: Regenerative Design - perspectives in dialogue

In reference to the exhibition Coral Reef: Regenerative Design, on show at the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin until June, the Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV) invites you to an inspiring evening. Two workshops are dedicated to the topic of regenerative design and offer participants the opportunity to try out new approaches and considerations in practice.

© Micki Rosi Richter

Lynn Harles, design scientist and curator with a focus on multispecies design, and Simon Berkler, organisational developer with a focus on regenerative economic systems, will explore together where and how regenerative approaches and diverse realities can find their way into the design of our environment. The workshops offer a practice-oriented introduction to the world of regenerative thinking and shed light on how different disciplines can enter into dialogue in an exciting way and lead to long-term solutions.

© Micki Rosi Richter

The event is part of the discursive platform More than Human, which calls for a paradigm shift towards a stronger networking of people and the environment. Initiator and curator of the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Claudia Banz, will open the evening with new perspectives on design after the Anthropocene

People with diverse perspectives and backgrounds are invited to gain insights into regenerative approaches in this practice-orientated format and to discover new strategies for a sustainable transformation together.